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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 107   View pdf image
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CHAP. 156,

issue of the said James Woodard, heretofore or hereafter to be
born, by the surname of Clagett, shall be of the same force and
effort, and equally avail to all intents and purposes, as if the name
of James Clagett had been the true and proper name of the said
James Woodard, and as if the surname of Clagett had been the
true and proper surnames of the said James Woodard and Harriet
Woodard from their birth, any law, statute or custom, to the con-
trary notwithstanding.

Passed Feb. 14, 1821.


An Act to authorise the Levy Court of Charles County to rebuild a Tobacco
Warehouse at Cedar Point, in William and Mary Parish in said County.

Warehouse may
be rebuilt.

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
justices of the levy court of Charles county, or a majority of
them, be and they are hereby authorised and directed, to take
such steps, and make such arrangements in their discretion
may seem to comport bust with the interests of the said county, to
have rebuilt the warehouse for the storage and inspection of to-
bacco at Cedar Point, in William and Mary Parish in Charles
county, which was destroyed by the enemy during the late war
with Great Britain.

Justices to pursue
direction of act
of 1769.

2. And be it enacted, That the justices aforesaid, in carrying
into effect the power aforesaid, be and they are hereby directed to
pursue the directions and limitations contained in the act, enti-
tled, An act to regulate the inspection of tobacco, passed at No-
vember session seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, and the seve-
ral supplements thereto, so far as relates to the building or re-
pairing of warehouses in the several counties.

Levy authorised.

3. And be it enacted, That the levy court aforesaid be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered, to levy on the assessable
property of said county a sum not exceeding one thousand dol-
lars, to be applied for the defraying of the expenses of said build-
ing, and purchasing scales, weights, marks, brands, and all
other things necessary for the inspection of tobacco.

When erected to
be used as a pub-
lic warehouse.

4. And be it enacted, That I he said warehouse, when so erected
and built, shall be held and used as a public warehouse for the sto-
rage and inspection of tobacco, in the same manner as other pub-
lic warehouses of this description are used in this state.

Passed Feb. 13, 1821.

Causes removed
not to be taken up
until business ori-
ginating in the

county shall be


An Act relating to the Removal of Causes for Trial, within the Sixth District.

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That no
cause, civil or criminal, removed upon suggestion from one coun-
ty to another within the sixth judicial district, shall be taken up
for trial, until all the business originating in the county to which
such cause may be removed, ready for trial, and which shall re-
quire the intervention of a jury, shall be tried, dismissed, conti-
nued or otherwise disposed of for that term.

Clerk to note mi-
nutes of proceed-
ings, &c.

2. And be it enacted, That it. shall be the duty of the clerks of
the counties within the judicial district aforesaid, to which causes
may be removed for trial, to note upon the minutes of proceedings
of the court, the day on which the court shall have disposed of
the business of the county ready for trial as aforesaid, and origi-
nating therein, and to keep an account of the number of days em-

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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 107   View pdf image
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