No. 1.
Resolutions in relation to the sword presented by
the State of Maryland, to the late Captain
Joseph Smoot, of the United States Navy.
Assented to
March 10, 1858.
WHEREAS, it appears by the memorial of Mrs. Ann
E. Smoot, widow of the late Captain Joseph
Srnoot, of the United States Navy; that the de-
ceased felt himself aggrieved by the action of
the Government of the United States, under
the act entitled an act, to promote the efficiency
of the Navy; and that while suffering under
what he conceived to be the wrong and injus-
tice done to him, he departed this life in sad-
ness and sorrow, and feeling on her part, that
it would not be proper under the circumstances
for her longer to retain the sword, which was
presented to him by the State of Maryland, for
distinguished services and meritorious conduct
in the actions of the Hornet Ship of War, with
the Peacock and Penguin, in the last war with
Great Britain, and has therefore returned the
same to the State;
Therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That we have learned with pro-