Corporation, and the Managers thereof, shall hold
and control such children in manner, and for the
period, and to the effect and ends, and with all
the power, as in the preceding sections of this
act is provided in regard to children there re-
ferred to, the placing of children by parents or
guardians, as aforesaid, being to be by writing
signed by the parents or guardians, and a mana-
ger of said Corporation, before and approved by
a justice of the peace for Baltimore city, or a
judge of said Orphans' Court, and to he recorded
within six months from the date thereof, in the
office of said Register of Wills, and the acts
aforesaid, of said judges; and of said justices of
the peace, in this section authorised, placing
children aforesaid, under the care and control of
the said Corporation, shall be in writing, and shall
within six months from the date thereof, be re-
corded as aforesaid; and of all the writings here-
inbefore mentioned, so recorded, copies under his
official seal by said Register shall be evidence in
all cases.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any constable
or police officer of Baltimore city, upon applica-
tion of any manager of "The Home of the
Friendless," shall, or of his own accord and dis-
cretion, may take up and carry before a Judge
of said Orphans' Court or a justice of the peace
aforesaid, any female child coming within the
terms and descriptions of the preceding sections
of this act, in order to be dealt with, and provid-
Constable or
Police officer
may take up fe-
male children
and carry them
before proper