perty to the public use, they shall apply to the
county commissioners, who shall appoint a Jury of
twelve discreet, impartial and disinterested voters
of the third election district of said county, which
Jury shall view the land and property in said town
and assess the advantages and damages, in money,
by such proposed streets, lanes or alleys, to the
different persons owing property in said town, and
make a return to the said town commissioners of
the money value of such advantages and damages,
and upon said return, the town commissioners
shall have the power to assess and levy upon the
taxable property of said town such a sum as may
he necessary to open such streets, lanes or alleys,
and for the purpose of making other improve-
ments in said town; Provided, that such levy for
the first year of the existence of said corporation
shall not exceed one dollar in the hundred on the
value of any property in said town as ascertained
by the last county assessment on said property, or
more than twenty-five cents in the hundred dollars
for any subsequent year of the existence of this
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That should any
property holder in said town be dissatisfied with
said assessment and levy of damages such proper-
ty holder shall be entitled to appeal to the Circuit
Court of Kent county within one year and have
the same abated upon showing cause.
May appeal.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That said town
commissioners shall have power to make such or-
dinances as may be necessary to protect and ad-
vance the health, peace and welfare of said town,
and shall not be inconsistent with the provisions
of this act or any law of the State of Maryland.
Mar pass
health ordinan-
ces, &c.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the limits of
said town shall be a square whose sides shall mea-
sure eight hundred and eighty yards each, and
said sides shall be four hundred and forty yards
distant from the centre of the crossing of the pre-
sent roads in said town.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That said corpora-
tion shall issue no scrip, certificate, note or other
device or evidence of debt to be used as a curren-
cy, and the General Assembly of Maryland re-
serves the right to alter or amend this act at plea-
Banking pri-
vileges prohib-