SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That ordinance number ten, of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, ap-
proved March ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-
five, and ordinance number three, of the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, approved Febru-
ary twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-
eight, be and the same are hereby confirmed, and
that full power and authority, be and the same
are hereby conferred on the City Auditor, to car-
ry into effect all the provisions of said ordinances
or any other ordinances of the said Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, in relation to the du-
ties of the City Auditor, in the same manner and
to all intents and purposes, as if the said Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore had, prior to the
passage of the ordinance of the ninth of March,
eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the twenty-
sixth of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-
eight, been authorised and empowered by an act
of the General Assembly of Maryland, to enact
the said ordinances in the precise terms of said
ordinances, and to provide for carrying into effect
the same; and that the City Auditor of Baltimore,
be and is hereby authorised and empowered to
distrain for taxes, due the City of Baltimore and
State of Maryland, and to sell real property,
whether the same shall be improved or unim-
proved, as well as personal property, for any taxes
due the city of Baltimore or State of Maryland;
and to sell real as well as personal property for
paving taxes, and taxes for re-paving and for
pump taxes, as well as taxes for wells and pumps,
due to or assessed by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore.
Thirty days
notice to be giv-
en before sale.
SEC. 2. And fie it enacted, That whenever it
shall become necessary to sell any part or parcel
of ground in the city of Baltimore, improved or
unimproved, for the payment of any taxes or as-