gates, and shall make out a bill of charges for
the same under oath, which said bill of charges
shall be paid by the person or persons who may
have refused or failed to comply with the provi-
sions of the first section of this act, to be recove-
rable before any justice of the peace of said elec-
tion district, in the name and at the suit of said su-
pervisors, as small debts are now recoverable by law.
Persons erect-
ing gate or
gates on road
be fined.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person
or persons shall erect or cause to be erected
any gate or gates on the public roads in the
said Third Election District of Caroline county,
after the first day of June next ensuing the pas-
sage of this act, such person or persons shall,
upon the oath of any supervisor of said election
district, be summoned before some justice of the
peace of said election district, and upon convic-
tion of said offence, shall pay a fine of five dollars
and costs for each and every offence, to be reco-
verable as small debts are now recoverable by law;
said fine or fines when so recovered to be paid over
to the County Commissioners of Caroline county,
to be by them applied to the use of the public roads
in said Third Election District of Caroline county.
In force.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the first day of Septem-
ber next.
Passed March
9, 1858.
AN ACT to authorise the clerks of the Circuit
Courts of this State, to make certain entries,
and to do certain acts in the absence of the
Circuit Judge.
Duty of Clerk.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That in the absence of any
Circuit Judge, on occasion of sickness, at any
regular or adjourned term of said court, it shall
be the duty of the clerk of said court to call over
the civil appearance docket, take the returns of