SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the Consti-
tution and Form of Government adopted by the
said Convention as aforesaid, shall on the first
Wednesday of November, eighteen hundred and
fifty-nine, be submitted to the legal and qualified
voters of this State for their adoption or rejection,
and the said voters shall on their ballots, plainly
designated, express their assent or dissent to the
adoption of the Constitution and Form of Go-
vernment submitted to them as aforesaid, by the
following words written or printed on their ballots,
namely: "For the New Constitution," or "Against
the New Constitution," which said ballots shall be
received and accurately counted by the Judges of
the State Election held on that day in the several
counties of this State, and in Baltimore city, and
the number of the ballots given for and against
the adoption of the said Constitution, as the case
may be, submitted to the people as aforesaid, shall
be returned by the said Judges of Election to the
Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the several coun-
ties of this State, and Clerk of the Superior Court
of Baltimore city, respectively, within five days
after said election, and by said respective clerks
returned to the Governor of the State of Mary-
land, within fifteen days after said election.
To be submit-
ted to the vo-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That when the Go-
vernor shall receive the number of returns of the
ballots cast in this State for the adoption and re-
jection of the Constitution and Form of Govern-
ment submitted by the Convention to the people
as aforesaid, if upon counting and casting up the
returns as made to him as aforesaid, it shall ap-
pear that a majority of the ballots cast are in
favor of the adoption of the New Constitution
and Form of Government, he shall issue his pro-
clamation to the people of the State declaring the
same, and he shall take such steps as shall be re-
quired by the said Constitution to cause the same
to go into effect, and to supersede the present
Constitution of this State; and should any bal-
lots be cast with any other designation than that
prescribed, the same shall not be counted for or
against the said Constitution.
Governor to
issue proclama-