ing from the town of Bel-air, to a village known
by the name of Hickory, in Harford county.
Books to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for making said
road, subscription books for a capital stock of ten
thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each,
shall be opened at Bel-air, by and under the direc-
tion of all, or a majority of the following commis-
sioners, to wit: Edward Reynolds, James Kean,
James McCormic, William Beal, N. W. S. Hays,
John Ward, Isaac Meechem, Robert W. Holland,
William H. Dallam, Edmund Hoops, George
Rider and Jacob Minick, on or before the first
day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and
continue them open, until two hundred shares of
the stock shall be subscribed for, and until the
managers of the Company are elected in the man-
ner hereinafter mentioned, unless in the mean
time the capital stock of ten thousand dollars be
subscribed for.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when the said
two hundred shares of stock shall have been sub-
scribed for, the commissioners aforesaid, or a ma-
jority of them, shall give twenty days public no-
tice, in one or more of the papers published in
Harford county, of the time and place to be des-
ignated by them, for the subscribers to meet, for
the purpose of organising said corporation, by
choosing, by a plurality of votes by ballot, a presi-
dent and five directors, four of whom shall con-
stitute a quorum, & treasurer and such other offi-
cers as they shall deem necessary, for conducting
the affairs of said Company, until the first Mon-
day in January, thereafter, and until a new elec-
tion, and for making such rules, by-laws, orders
and regulations, as do not contravene the Consti-
tution and laws of this State, or of the United
States, as may be necessary for the well govern-
ing the affairs of said Company, and at such meet-
ing for election, or in determining any question
arising at such meeting, and in any election, or in
determining any question arising at any subsequent
meeting, every person or body politic, holding
shares, shall be entitled to one vote for each share
so held; Provided, that no person or body poli-
tic, shall have more than ten votes, whatever
number of shares he, she or they may be enti-
tled to.