ing relief to the itinerant ministers of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church of the City of Baltimore,
their wives, widows and children, and for the
education of the latter, and to that end were
vested with the usual powers in such cases,
among which was the power to acquire and alien
property, and the power to make a constitution,
rules and by-laws, and the power to perpetuate
itself by the appointment of members, agreeably
to such constitution, rules and by-laws; And
whereas, by the constitution, rules or by-laws,
adopted by the said corporation, the benefit and
advantages to be derived from it were limited,
with an inconsiderable exception, to ministers
and their families belonging to the Baltimore
Annual Conference, within whose ecclesiastical
jurisdiction, the said corporation was situated,
and under whose auspices and general super-
vision and control, it carried on its operations;
And whereas, the said Baltimore Annual Con-
ference, has been divided into two bodies, one
whereof retains that name, the other of which
is known by the designation of The East Balti-
more Conference, and as a consequence of such
division, the funds and property of the said cor-
poration, have also been divided between said
two conferences, as far as it is possible for them
to effect the same, but such division of said
funds and property, requires the assent of the
General Assembly, as well to authorise the cor-
poration aforesaid, to relinquish the part of its
funds and property, which is henceforth to pass
under the control of the new conference, and to
create a new corporation, under the control of
such new conference, for the purpose of receiv-
ing and managing the funds and property so to
be relinquished, together with such other funds
or property, as it may from time to time receive
and acquire; And whereas, a society has been
formed within the limits, and subject to the con-
trol of the East Baltimore Conference, by the
name of The Methodist Preachers Aid Society
of the East Baltimore Conference, for the lauda-
ble purpose aforesaid, within said limits, and
has adopted a constitution and by-laws for its
government, and in order to create the new
corporation above mentioned, and otherwise to