No. 2.
Statement showing the amount disbursed in the Fiscal year,
ended September 30th, 1855; also the balance remaining in
the Treasury, the 30th September 1855, applicable to the pay-
ment of future demands.
There was disbursed in the Fiscal
year ended 30th September,
1855, the sum of $985,964.53,
on the following accounts, viz:
To Annapolis and Elk Ridge
" Railroad Company..........
$ 7,498 86
" Civil Officers.............
18,790 00
" Contingent Fund for Comp-
troller's office.............
155 00
" Contingent Fund for Treasury
317 17
" Commissions to Attorneys.....
" Colleges, Academies and
1,903 96
24,217 00
" Executive Contingent Fund
" Indigent Deaf and Dumb.....
" Interest on Public Debt....
" Judiciary......................
4,452 10
2,582 59
673,740 80
35,810 00
" Legislature ...............
1,707 00
" Library Contingent Fund.....
" Library Augmentation of.....
" Miscellaneous Accounts....
" Militia...................
1,960 64
617 66
3,770 00
1,150 00
" Maryland Penitentiary ......
8,000 00
" Pensions..................
3,227 42
" Public Printers.............
500 00
" Postage for Officers at Seat of
Government ..............
931 67
" Penitentiary 5 per cent. Stock
374 45
" State Tobacco Warehouses in
Baltimore ...............
13,671 10
" Special Appropriations.......
" State Tobacco Inspections in
622 00
19 998 55
" State Colonization Society..
" Special Judiciary......................
5,000 00
2,117 00
Carried Forward .........