Brought Forward .........
before the year 1855, viz :
On account of —
Tax Direct and Specific........
Tax on Incorporated Institutions
Tax on Certain Officers.........
224,331 69
11,500 81
Tax on Plaintiffs...............
144 73
Tax on Stamps...........
88 00
Tax on Civil Commissions......
Tax on Commissions to Trustees
Taxes in Chancery............
607 29
145 00
Excess of Officers' Fees........
71 40
Ordinary Licenses......................
8,392 80
Traders' Licenses ............
180 00
Marriage Licenses .............
1,925 88
Exhibition Licenses ..........
464 00
Hawkers' and Pedlars' Licenses.
Fines and Forfeitures ..........
196 50
109 50
State Colonization Tax.........
882 76
2,892 95
To which add for re-payments...
251,933 91
210 75
252,144 66
And the amount thereof being de-
ducted from the receipts of the
year, shows the revenue which
accrued and was received to
have been..................
$948,617 92