Of the Receipts and Expenditures of the public money, for the
year ending September 30th, 1855, furnished in obedience to
the 20th section of the 3d article of the Constitution, and the
Act of Assembly passed at January session, 1854, chapter 16.
ANNAPOLIS, May 10, 1856.
There was received into the
Treasury in the year ended
30th September, 1855, the sum
of $1,200,762 58, on the fol-
lowing accounts, viz :
From Auction Duties................
$18,199 39
10,250 00
67,972 39
18,667 60
600 00
" Auctioneers' Licenses.......
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road Company, for one-
fifth of the receipts from
passengers on the Wash-
ington Branch Road.....
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road Company, for in-
terest on sterling bonds
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road Company, for in-
terest on dividend bond,
No. 141..............
Carried Forward .........