and injurious discrimination between the different
States of the confederacy, exhibited by the above re-
cited facts, yet desiring to believe it has so far been
rather the effect of accident than of deliberate pur-
pose, she will content herself now with solemnly pro-
testing against its longer continuance, and the ex-
pression of the hope that the present session of Con-
gress will not be permitted to pass without the remo-
val of so just a cause for complaint, any longer con-
tinuance of which she cannot but feel as not only a
grievous wrong, but also as a reflection upon her hon-
Resolved, That the Governor be requested to
transmit a copy of these resolutions to each of the
Senators and Representatives in the Congress of the
United States from this State, with the request that
they may be respectfully laid before each of the hon-
orable bodies of which they are members.
No. 10.
Passed Mar.
10, 1856.
Resolution requesting the Governor to commission
the Hon. Anthony Kennedy as Senator to represent
this State in the Congress of the United States,
for six years from the 4th of March, 1857.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Governor be and he is hereby requested to
issue a commission in the usual form to the Hon.
Anthony Kennedy, as Senator to represent this State
in the Congress of the United States for six years
from the fourth of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-