No. 7
Resolutions reported by the Committee on the Judi-
ciary on the petition of James Wingate, for a State
subscription to "Maryland Register."
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the State Librarian be and he is hereby
authorised and directed to subscribe for three hun-
dred copies of the Maryland Register for 1856 and
1857, when published by James Wingate, at one dol-
lar per copy; and that upon the delivery of said
books to the State Library, the Comptroller is here-
by authorised to issue his warrant to the Treasurer,
to pay said James Wingate, for said Maryland Reg-
ister, at the rate of one dollar per copy, when the
money therefor is appropriated by law.
Resolved, That two hundred and fifty copies of said
Maryland Register shall be distributed from the State
Library, under the direction of the Comptroller of
the Treasury, among the different officers of this
State, in the various counties and in the city of Bal-
No. 8.
Passed March
10, 1856.
Resolutions relative to the advance by the State of
Maryland, to the United States, of $72,000 in the
years 179J and 1792.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That this Legislature regrets to find that no decisive
action has yet been taken by the Congress of the
United States in reference to the request preferred by
this State, by resolutions of her Legislature, passed
and submitted to Congress so long ago as the year
1842, to have refunded to her the sum of seventy-
two thousand dollars, with interest upon it; said
sum being the amount advanced by the State of Ma-
ryland in the years seventeen hundred and ninety-one
and seventeen hundred and ninety-two, to the Fed-
Passed Mar.
10, 1856.