Resolutions commendatory of Doctor Elisha Kent
Kane and the Arctic Expedition.
WHEREAS, Doctor Elisha Kent Kane, an officer of
the Naval Service of the United States, and lately
commander of an expedition to the Arctic Zone,
has with great intrepidity and undaunted persever-
ance, pushed his exploration through the frozen
barriers of the North to regions hitherto unknown,
making thereby valuable additions to the geogra-
phy of the American Continent and to other de-
partments of human knowledge; and has in the
generous impulse which prompted and the skill
which so successfully conducted said expedition,
elicited the approval of his countrymen and offi-
cial acknowledgement from Foreign Governments,
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the services rendered by said expedition,
and the skill, courage and perseverance displayed in
its management, are deserving of the highest com-
Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate and
House of Delegates of Maryland, be and the same
are hereby tendered to Doctor Elisha Kent Kane, and
to the officers and crew who sailed under his com-
Passed Mar.
10, 1856.