Passed Mar.
10, 1856.
A FURTHER supplement to the act passed at De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and twenty-five,
chapter sixty-two, entitled, "An Act to provide for
the public instruction of youths in Primary Schools
throughout this State," so far as relates to Dor-
chester county.
to establish a
school district.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Commissioners or Trustees
in election district number seven, in Dorchester coun-
ty, be and they are hereby authorised and empow-
ered to lay off and establish a school district in the
aforenamed election district, to be called the Frank-
lin School, if they deem it advisable so to do; the
lines of said school district to be as follows: Com-
mencing at the county road at the head of Jenkins'
creek, running down to the river, thence running down
said river to Lecompte's Creek, thence running up
said creek to Dr. Lecompte's farm, thence across to
the head of the creek at Dr. Ross' windmill, thence
down said creek to the little Choptank River, thence
up said river to Windsor's Bridge to the county
road, thence with said road to the place of begin-
ning; all within the said lines shall be known and
called Franklin School District.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
be in force from and after the final passage thereof.