said capital stock shall have been subscribed, or if
not as soon thereafter as the same shall be subscribed,
the said commissioners or a majority of them shall
call a general meeting of the subscribers at such time
and place as they may fix upon, and shall give at
least ten days public notice thereof, and at such meet-
ing the said commissioners shall lay the subscription
books before the subscribers then and there present,
whereupon the subscribers or a majority of them
Entitled to
shall have power to elect a president, either from
among the directors or others, and shall allow him
such compensation for his services as they shall deem
fit; and in said election and all other elections by
the stockholders of said company, each shall be al-
lowed one vote for every share owned by him or her,
and every stockholder may vote either in person or
by proxy, and the commissioners aforesaid or any
three or more of them shall be the judges of the first
election of directors.
General meet-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That to continue the
succession of said company, a general meeting of
the stockholders shall be held annually, and which
meeting a board of directors shall be elected as afore-
said and other meetings of the stockholders may be
called by the president and directors, or a majority
of them, according to such rules as may be furnish-
ed by the by-laws of said company, and the board of
directors may meet as often as may be necessary for
the transaction of the business of the company.
Authorised to
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the company here-
by incorporated and organized shall have power to
make and construct a continuous turnpike road from
While Hall, on the northern central railway to Jar-
rettsville, and thence to La Grange iron works; Pro-
vided, that in case the consent of the owner or own-
era of any ground to be occupied by said road can-
not be obtained, a jury shall be summoned by the
sheriff of Baltimore and Harford counties, as the
case may be, upon a warrant of a justice of the peace
for that purpose to condemn the said land or mate-
rials, and assess the damages, in which assessment
the benefits or advantages of said road shall be con-
sidered by the jury, and provided also, the inquisition
thereupon taken, shall be signed by the sheriff and
jury and returned to the clerk of his county afore-
said, and unless good cause be shewn against the
said inquisition of the jury, it shall be affirmed by
the court at the next meeting thereof, after the ver-