Passed Mar.
10, 1856.
AN additional supplement to the act entitled an act
incorporating the master and wardens of Clinton
Lodge number eighty-three, of the free and accep-
ted Masons, for the purposes therein mentioned,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and!
twenty-six, chapter one hundred and forty-three.
WHEREAS, by the supplement to said original act,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-nine, chapter one hundred and seventy-
eight, provision was made for the election of a
President and five Directors who were authorised
to make regulations for future elections, and for
the management of the stock, and to issue certi-
ficates for shares; And whereas, It is represented
on the part of the stockholders in said company
that the books and by-laws of said company, and
many of the certificates of shareholders have been
destroyed by the burning of the house in which
they were kept; and that the stockholders have
elected George Vickers, President; Ezekiel F.
Chambers, Richard Hynson, James F. Gordon,
Edward Wilkins, and Edward A. Moore, Direct-
ors; and doubts are entertained as to their pow-
ers; and that an act passed at the session of eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-three, chapter twenty-six,
was not accepted by said company, and is there-
fore inoperative; Therefore,
Election of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the above named persons as Pres-
ident and Directors of the Masonic Hall Company
in Chestertown and their successors in office, shall
have and exercise nil the powers and authority which
were given by the said supplementary act to the
President and Directors first to be elected under its
provisions, and may make, and from time to time
alter such by-laws and regulations for the future
election of officers of said company, filling vacancies,
and in respect to assigning, and from time to time
renewing certificates for shares of stock, and for the
appointment of agents or sub-officers of the compa-
ny, as they may see fit and convenient, not repug-
nant to, or inconsistent with the Constitution or laws
of this State.