Passed Mar
10, 1856.
AN ACT to incorporate a company under the name
of the Hydrant Company of Port Tobacco.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Jonathan Padgett, John Ham-
ilton, John G. Chapman, William Boswell, Joseph
H. Cooksey, Robert S. Reeder, Peregrine Davis,
William B. Mathews, Joseph Hutton, John R. Bate-
man, and Elijah Wells, jr., be and they are hereby
incorporated and made a body politic, for the purpose
hereinafter mentioned; and that the said body politic
shall be known and distinguished by the name of the
Hydrant Company of Port Tobacco, and shall have
full and ample power and authority to do, perform
and execute all and every matter and thing which
any similar corporation may or can rightfully do, and
shall have perpetual succession, and for that end, the
individuals composing said company by the passage
of this act, and their successors, shall be and are
hereby declared to be members thereof; and by the
name aforesaid may sue and be sued, answer and be
answered, in any court of law or equity in this
how filled.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the survivor or
survivors of the persons above named shall have full
power, whenever any one or more of them shall die
or remove from Charles county, or whenever a va-
cancy may in any manner occur, to elect by ballot
any person or persons residing in Charles county
whom they may judge proper, to fill the vacancy or
vacancies so occasioned by removal, death or resig-
nation, or to elect any additional member or mem-
bers, if in their judgment they may think proper to
do so, who, when so elected, shall have all the
power and authority and stand in the same situa-
tion as the persons above named and hereby created
a body corporate, have by this act.
Authorised to
pass by-laws,
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corpo-
ration shall have full power and authority to make
by-laws, rules, and regulations for the well ordering
and conducting of the business of the company, and
of their meetings, the time and place thereof, and
to alter, change and annul the same at their pleas-