the institution thereof against the said surviving com-
missioners without stay of execution; and in case the
State's Attorney shall by execution or otherwise col-
lect such judgment, he shall, alter deducting five per
cent commission and costs of suit, immediately pay
over the balance to the commissioners appointed by
this act or to their lawful agent.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to refund to Francis J. Henry, Thomas
H. Hicks, Edward D. Martin, George B. Gray,
Jacob Fisher, J. Frisby Gordon, H. H. Mitchell,
James H. Jamar, Timothy A. Smith, John Palmer,
Joseph Stuart, C. W. Billingslea, A. Lingan Jar-
rett, James Wason, Isaac Nesbitt and Benjamin
E. Gantt, Levin Woolford and Samuel W. Jones,
the several sums of money erroneously paid into
the treasury by the said parties as taxes, in the
year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and part of
the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three.
Passed Mar
10, 1856.
WHEREAS, it appears to the General Assembly of
Maryland, that Francis J. Henry, Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Dorchester county, paid into the
treasury in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two
and fifty-three, as a tax on his officer as provided
by the act of eighteen hundred and forty-six, chap-
ter two hundred and fifty-three, the sum of three
hundred dollars; and Thomas H. Hicks, Register
of Wills for Dorchester county, also paid the sum
of one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty
cents; and Edward D. Martin, Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court for Worcester county, also paid the sum
of one hundred and twenty-five dollars; and
George B. Gray, Register of Wills for Worces-
ter county, also paid the sum of one hundred dol-
lars; Jacob Fisher, Register of Wills for Kent