Passed March
10, 1856.
AN ACT amendatory of an act passed January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and fifty three, chapter
eighty, entitled, an act to amend the act entitled,
an act for cleaning out Pocomoke river, in Worces-
ter county, by means of a Lottery, passed Decem-
ber session eighteen hundred and forty, chapter
two hundred and fifteen.
authorised to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Peter Whaley, Zadock P.
Henry and Thomas A. Spence, the surviving com-
missioners appointed by the original act passed
at December session eighteen hundred and forty,
chapter two hundred and fifteen, be and they are
hereby directed to pay to Peter Whaley, Zadock P.
Henry, Curtis W. Jacobs, Bayley Hickman and Lit-
tleton R. Bishop, the commissioners appointed by the
act to which this is amendatory, any sum or sums of
money now in their hands which they may have re-
alized under the provisions of the said original act,
to be by them expended as directed by the act to
which this is amendatory.
Statement or
oath to be sub-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That immediately after
the passage of this act, the said Peter Whaley, Za-
dock P. Henry and Thomas A. Spence, surviving
commissioners aforesaid, shall submit to the commis-
sioners appointed by this act, a statement upon oath
showing the sum or sums of money now in their
hands, realized under said original act, and that the
said surviving commissioners shall on or before the first
day of June next, pay all such sum or sums of money
to the commissioners appointed by this act, and that
in case the said surviving commissioners should fail
to make out such statement upon oath and pay on or
before the day above mentioned the money realized
by them as aforesaid to the commissioners appointed
by this act or their authorized agent, it shall be and is
hereby made the duty of the State's Attorney for
Worcester county, forthwith to institute suit in the
name of the State for the use of the commissioners
appointed by this act against the said surviving com-
missioners in the circuit court for Worcester county,
and that it shall be the duty of said circuit court to
enter up judgment in said suit at its first term after