Deed declare
to be valid.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the deed of bargain and sale,
or instrument of writing, bearing date the seven-
teenth day of February, in the year of our Lord,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and recorded
among the in land records of Baltimore city, in liber E.
D., No. 37, folio 468, &c., purporting to be made
between Edward Utley, late of the City of Balti-
more, and State of Maryland, of the first part, and
James McMillan, of said city and state, of the other
part, which said deed or instrument of writing is
signed "Edward Utley by his attorney William M.
Lanning," and as appears by the certificate thereof,
thereto annexed, was acknowledged by the said
William M. Lanning, as the attorney of the said
Edward Utley, on the said seventeeth day of Febru-
ary, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, before Edward
O. Stam and Charles A. Leloup, two justices of the
peace of the State of Maryland, in and for the said
city, be and the same is hereby made and declared to
be as good, effectual and valid, to convey the land and
premises therein described, to the said James McMil-
lan, as if the said deed or instrument of writing had
been signed, sealed, acknowledged and delivered by
the said Edward Utley himself; Provided however, that
nothing in this act contained shall affect the rights
of bona fide purchasers or creditors, without notice,
who may have become so before the passage of this