of their respective houses is in default to the Treasury,
and if so, to report the same to their respective houses.
In force.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
27, 1856.
AN ACT amendatory of the act incorporating the Con-
vention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the
diocese of Maryland, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and forty, chapter sixty-seven, au-
thorising the said convention to take and hold sub-
scriptions or contributions in money, or otherwise, for
religious or charitable purposes.
powers ex-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the corporate powers and privileges
conferred upon the convention of the Protestant Episco-
pal Church in the diocese of Maryland by the original
act to which this is an amendment, shall be and the same
are hereby extended to enable the said convention to
take and hold subscriptions or contributions in money
or otherwise, which may be made to or in behalf of the
various associations for religious or charitable purposes,
now existing or hereafter to exist in the several counties
of this State and in the city of Baltimore, under the
sanction of said convention, and to appoint in its dis-
cretion executive committees or other trustees, by what-
ever name or names they may be designated, for admin-
istering the respective funds so arising as aforesaid, in
such manner and form and with such authority as
the said convention may from time to time prescribe;
Provided always, That in such administration the res-
pective funds shall be kept distinct and separate, and
that each fund shall be held liable only for obligations
that may have been incurred in its own proper behoof.
Shall take
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the day when an official certificate of its ac-
ceptance by the said convention shall be filed with the
Secretary of State.