6 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 1
58 of the Regular Session of 1956, in order to resolve any doubts
about the validity of the consideration of said Chapter 58 at the
Regular Session of 1956.
Whereas, it was the legislative intent, in the enactment of Chap-
ter 437 of the Acts of 1955 (known as the "Northeastern Expressway
Act"), to authorize and empower the State Roads Commission of
Maryland to enter into whatever Supplemental Agreement may be
necessary to comply with the covenants in its Trust Agreement with
Fidelity-Baltimore National Bank & Trust Company, dated October
1, 1954, and to do and perform all and such other things and acts
necessary and proper in order to make effective the provisions of
said Chapter 437; and
Whereas, the General Assembly of Maryland hereby repeals and
re-enacts certain sections of said Chapter 437 in order to make said
legislative intent more clear and certain; and
Whereas, the General Assembly hereby declares that the enact-
ment of this Act shall not be construed to mean that the granting
of authority to do any act as provided herein shall in any manner
indicate that such authority was not expressly granted by said
Chapter 437 of the Acts of 1955, prior to the amendments thereto
contained herein; and
Whereas, the General Assembly, at its Regular Session of 1956,
amended the several sections contained in this Act hereinbelow; and
Whereas, because of possible doubts as to the validity of the con-
sideration of said Chapter 58 at the Regular Session of 1956, it has
been deemed wise to repeal and re-enact the said several sections
without change from the manner in which they were enacted by said
Chapter 58; now, therefore
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 126A, 126H, 126 I (a) and 126P of Article 89B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1955 Supplement), title "State
Roads", sub-title "Northeastern Expressway Revenue Bonds", said
sections having been amended by Chapter 58 of the Acts of the Regu-
lar Session of 1956, be and they are hereby repealed; and that new
Sections 126A, 126H, 126-1 (a) and 126P be and they are hereby
enacted in lieu thereof, to stand in the place and stead of the sections
so repealed, and to read as follows:
126A. (Northeastern Expressway.) The State Roads Commis-
sion is hereby authorized and empowered to construct, maintain, re-
pair and operate a toll express highway, to be known as the "North-
eastern Expressway", from a point at or within the city limits of the
city of Baltimore northeasterly between U. S. Routes No. 40 and 1
to a point at or near the boundary line between this State and the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including a connection to a point at
or near the boundary line between this State and the State of Dela-
ware, and to issue revenue bonds of the State, payable solely from
revenues, to pay the cost of the Northeastern Expressway; and the
Northeastern Expressway may include as an integral part thereof
a new bridge across the Susquehanna River at a location to be