342 Joint Resolutions
provide immediate, reasonable and adequate parking facilities for
members of the General Assembly and certain State House employees
attached to the Legislature, on State property at the site of the
new State Office Building in Annapolis, and that during the sessions
of the Legislature the area be designated for these particular pur-
poses of parking and that minimum personnel be reassigned to
enforce said parking and the regulation thereof; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby directed
to send, under the great Seal of the State, a copy of this Resolution
to the Director, Board of Public Works, and Chairman of the State
Roads Commission, Baltimore, Maryland.
No. 22
(Senate Joint Resolution 5)
Joint Resolution urging that the State of Maryland act as quickly as
possible to put its capital improvement program on at least a partial
"pay-as-you-go" basis.
Whereas, During the months between the 1955 and 1956 sessions
of the General Assembly of Maryland, a sub-committee of the Com-
mittee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters visited many of the institutions
operated and supported by the State in order to observe the character
and type of capital construction and to gauge the results which the
State has been obtaining in its continuous program of improving and
adding to the capital assets of the State; and
Whereas, This sub-committee discovered some instances in which
in its opinion the State has expended more money than necessary in
the construction of its capital facilities and has provided luxuries
and "frills" unnecessary in buildings being constructed with public
funds; and
Whereas, In the opinion of the Committee on Taxation and Fiscal
Matters it would be helpful in avoiding future expenditures of this
type if the State's construction program were financed at least in
part on a "pay-as-you-go" basis, avoiding to that extent the tempta-
tion to over-expend public monies; and
Whereas, Any development of this kind also would mean a saving
in the interest payments which must subsequently be provided to
service borrowed money; and
Whereas, Over a period of years, the cumulative effect of such a
policy could be successful in allowing the State to operate its capital
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.