Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 27
(j) The applicable non-forfeiture provisions and requirements in
compliance with Section 189.
(k) A provision that the policy will be reinstated at any time
within three years from the date of default, unless the policy has
been surrendered for its cash surrender value or unless the period of
extended insurance has expired, upon application therefor and the
production of evidence of insurability, satisfactory to the insurer
and the payment of all over-due premiums and the payment or rein-
statement of any other indebtedness to the insurer upon said policy
with a specified interest rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum
compounded annually.
(I) In case the proceeds of the policy are payable in instalments
or as an annuity, a provision to that effect, together with a table
showing the amount and period of such instalments or annuity, if
determinable at issue, shall be included in the policy.
(m) A provision that when the policy becomes a claim by the
death of the insured, settlement shall be made upon receipt of due
proof of death and surrender of the policy.
(n) A clause in such policy, providing that such policy shall be
incontestable after a specified period, shall preclude only a contest of
the validity of the policy, and shall not preclude the assertion at any
time of defenses based upon provisions in the policy which exclude or
restrict coverage, whether or not such restrictions or exclusions are
excepted in such clause.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That on and after the effective
date of this Act, no policy coming under the ordinary life insurance
category, that does not comply with the requirements of this Act,
shall be delivered or issued for delivery in this State; provided, how-
ever, that if a policy form coming under such category has been filed
and lawfully used in this State before such effective date, then such
form may be used in this State during two years from the effective
date of this Act without being subject to the other provisions of this
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1956.
Approved February 23, 1956.
(Senate Bill 14)
AN ACT to repeal Section 171 of Article 48A of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1951 Edition), title "Insurance", sub-title "Life, Ac-
cident and Health Insurance", and to enact in lieu thereof a new
Section 171, said new section to stand in the place and stead of the
section so repealed, concerning the effect of misrepresentations in
applications for certain types of insurance.
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.