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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 866   View pdf image (33K)
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866                               LAWS OF MARYLAND                        [CH. 522

and shall have a serial number corresponding with the number on
the license issued to said owner, as provided in Section 220. Such
tags shall also have impressed thereon the calendar year for which
such tag is issued, and shall not be more than two (2) inches in
length, and shall be equipped with a substantial metal fastening
device. The general shape of said tag shall be changed from year
to year, and the tags furnished the owners of kennels shall have the
word "Kennel" thereon. If any such tag is lost it shall be replaced
by the County Treasurer, or Dog Warden or his Deputy, upon appli-
cation by the person to whom the original license was issued, upon
the production of said license and payment of a fee of twenty-five

221 A. The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County shall
appoint a Dog Warden and may appoint such Deputy Dog Wardens
as they in their discretion deem necessary. Said Dog Warden and
any deputies who may be so appointed shall serve at the discretion
of the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County and shall be
paid such salary and allowances for travel as the County Commis-
sioners may prescribe. Before entering upon the duties of his office,
the Dog Warden and each of such Deputy Dog Wardens as may be
appointed shall give bond to the State of Maryland, with good and
sufficient surety, to be approved by the County Commissioners of
Queen Anne's County, in such penalty as said Commissioners shall
determine conditioned that he shall faithfully perform his duties
and account properly for all monies and property received by virtue
of his position; such bond to be in the form of a "Public Employee's
faithful Performance Blanket Bond" for said Dog Warden and all
deputies, if possible; the premiums of which shall be borne by
Queen Anne's County, and shall be filed and recorded in the office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County.

221B. It shall be the duty of said Dog Warden and any deputies
who may be appointed to enforce the provisions of this sub-title. Such
Dog Warden and his duly authorized deputies shall have the power
to issue summons to any person violating any provision of this sub-

221C. The County Commissioner of Queen Anne's County may,
construct or lease, operate and maintain a dog pound for Queen
Anne's County. The cost of said pound and the operation thereof
shall be borne by said County.

221D. Any person may kill any dog which he sees in the act of
pursuing, attacking, wounding or killing any poultry or livestock, or
attacking human beings whether or not such dog bears the proper
license tag required by this sub-title. There shall be no liability on
such persons in damages or otherwise for such killing.

221E. Any dog found running at large without the proper license
tag attached to such dog in accordance with the provisions of this
sub-title is hereby declared a nuisance and is subject to seizure and
detention, and destruction. And the said Dog Warden and/or his
duly authorized deputies are hereby authorized, empowered, and
directed, whenever possible, to seize and impound any dog found
running at large without the proper license tag attached thereto.
When the Dog Warden or his duly authorized deputies are not able


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 866   View pdf image (33K)
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