(House Bill 701)
AN ACT to add Sections 220 through 221F, inclusive, to Article 18
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition),
title "Queen Anne's County", to follow immediately after Section
219 thereof, and to be under the new sub-title "Dogs", providing
for licensing and regulation of dogs, establishing the office of Dog
Warden, providing for a pound for dogs, permitting the killing of
dogs attacking poultry, livestock and human beings without lia-
bility therefor, relating to the disposition of dogs running at large,
and generally relating to dogs in Queen Anne's County, and repeal-
ing certain conflicting sections of Article 56 of the Annotated Code.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 220 through 221F, inclusive, be and they are hereby
added to Article 18 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
(1930 Edition), title "Queen Anne's County", to follow immediately
after Section 219 thereof, to be under the new sub-title "Dogs", and
all to read as follows:
220. On or before the first day of July, 1955, and on or before the
first day of July of each year thereafter, the owner of any dog, six
(6) months old or over, Shall apply either orally or in writing, to
the County Treasurer of Queen Anne's County or to the Dog Warden
or his Deputy for a license for each such dog owned or kept by him,
and such application shall be accompanied by a fee of One Dollar
($1.00) for each male dog or each spayed female dog, and a fee of
Tivo Dollars ($2.00) for each unspayed female dog, and provided that
a kennel license shall be issued for Ten Dollars ($10.00) to persons
owning or keeping not in excess of twenty-five (25) dogs and that
a kennel license fee of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) shall be issued to
persons keeping more than twenty-five (25) dogs. The said license
or fee shall be the only license or tax required for the ownership
or keeping of said dog or dogs. Such license shall be issued on a
form prepared and supplied by the County Commissioners. Such
license shall be dated and numbered and shall contain a descrip-
tion of the dog. All licenses shall be void upon the first day of July
of the following year. The County Commissioners shall also furnish,
and the County Treasurer, or the Dog Warden or his Deputy issuing
the license, shall issue, with each license, a metal tag. Such tag
shall be affixed to a substantial collar. The collar shall be furnished
by the owner, and with the tag attached shall at all times be kept
on the dog for which the license is issued, except when confined in
the kennel or when hunting in the charge of an attendant.
221. The County Commissioners shall prepare and furnish an-
nually to the County Treasurer, and to the Dog Warden and his
Deputy, metal tags to be given the owners of dogs when such owners
shall pay the license fee for said dogs. Such tags shall be of metal,
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.