(1951 Edition), title "Health", sub-title "Plumbing", be and it is
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, and that a new
section be and it is hereby added to said Article 43, to be known as
Section 315A, to follow immediately after Section 315 thereof, and
all to read as follows:
315. The provisions of this sub-title shall not apply to Baltimore
County, except as hereinafter provided. In said County there shall
be a Baltimore County Plumbing Board, which shall consist of five
members. Three of the members shall be persons who are master
plumbers residing in Baltimore County and shall be appointed
annually by the County Commissioners of Baltimore County. The
remaining two members of the Board shall be the Chief Engineer of
the Metropolitan District of Baltimore County and the Baltimore
County Health Officer, neither of whom shall receive any additional
compensation for their services under this section. The master
plumber members of the Board shall receive such compensation as
shall be fixed from time to time by the County Commissioners, which
said compensation shall be paid from the fees of applicants for
certificates or permits, and shall not exceed the sum or sums so
The Baltimore County Plumbing Board shall have the sole power
to grant certificates and permits to persons desiring to work at the
plumbing business in Baltimore County in the same form and manner
as certificates and permits are granted by the State Board of Com-
missioners of Practical Plumbing [, provided that the fees to be
charged for said certificates or permits shall not exceed the fees as
fixed by this sub-title]. Said Board, subject to the approval of the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County, shall have the power
and are hereby authorized to make such rules and regulations for
the issuance of certificates or permits, the examination of applicants
therefor, the entrance into plumbing work, the plumbing trade or
business in Baltimore County and the conduct thereof, as it may
deem necessary for the protection of the public health, welfare and
safety, and shall have and exercise in Baltimore County all the
authority and power conferred upon the State Board of Com-
missioners of Practical Plumbing by this sub-title. Any person
who holds a certificate or permit heretofore issued by the State Board
of Commissioners of Practical Plumbing shall have and exercise all
the rights and privileges which a holder of such certificate or permit
has under the provisions of this sub-title
[See page image for strike-through]
Said Board may demand and
receive from each journeyman plumber the sum of $2.00 at the time
of issuance of the first certificate to said journeyman plumber and