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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 817   View pdf image (33K)
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THEODORE R. McKELDIN, GOVERNOR                     817

sale, purchase, shipment, transportation, carriage or export of any
wild bird or wild animal.

Kind of Game                            Open Season

Railbirds and Blackbirds..................September 1 to October 20, in-

Wild Waterfowl ................................November 1 to January 31, in-

Jacksnipe...........................................September 1 to December 81, in-

Squirrel and Wild Turkey................October 5 to October 31, inclu-
sive. Provided, further, that a
landowner residing on his farm-
lands, or a tenant of said farm-
lands, may kill any squirrel if
said squirrel is destroying corn
on said farmlands between Au-
gust 15 and October 1, inclusive.
And in Baltimore City where
squirrels are damaging personal
property, the owner or tenant of
said property may kill said
squirrel or squirrels at any time.

Dove......................................................September 1 to January 5, in-

Woodcock.............................................October 1 to January 5, inclusive.

Male English ringneck, Mongolian November 15 to January 5, in-
or melanistic mutant pheasant elusive. It shall be unlawful
or any other imported species, to hunt any upland game in
ruffed grouse, rabbit or hare, any manner in Garrett and
partridges (quail)                          Allegany Counties during the

open season for the hunting of
deer. It shall be unlawful to
hunt or kill any dove in Gar-
rett County at any time.

Male Deer, with two or more May be hunted, pursued, or killed
points to one antler, provided for a period of six days be-
male deer with an antler three ginning the first Monday in
or more inches long, with the December, except on the Wood-
points measuring from the top mont Rod and Gun Club in
of the skull as the deer is in life, Washington County, December
Bear                                             15 to December 24, inclusive;

provided, that in counties hav-
ing a bow and arrow season,
deer of either sex can be killed
between October 15 and No-
vember 15, by means of a bow
and arrow.

(g) It shall be unlawful to shoot or shoot at any game bird, game
animal, fur-bearing animal, wild bird or wild quadruped from an
automobile or other vehicle [or on or within 100 yards of any paved


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 817   View pdf image (33K)
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