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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 268   View pdf image (33K)
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268                               LAWS OF MARYLAND                        [CH. 187

Edition), being Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Harford County", sub-title "Metropolitan Commis-
sion", as said sections were enacted by Chapter 679 of the Acts of
1953, be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:

430C. Whenever twenty-five property owners, residing in any
locality in Harford County, shall, in writing, signed with their
respective names and addresses, petition the Commission to have
said locality, (the boundaries whereof shall be definitely stated in
said petition) constituted as a new sanitary district, the Commis-
sion, if it approves, shall cause to be made a preliminary engineer-
ing survey of the project to determine the feasibility and probable
cost of providing such area with utilities, whether water, sewer or
otherwise. If the Commission disapproves of the project or is
unable or unwilling to undertake or obtain such preliminary engi-
neering survey, it shall so inform the petitioners by mail giving to
each of said petitioners an estimate of the cost of making or obtain-
ing such a preliminary engineering survey and no further action
shall be taken on said project unless and until the persons signing
the petition therefor cause the estimated cost of such preliminary
engineering survey to be paid to the Commission, who shall then
proceed to make or obtain such preliminary engineering survey.
As soon as the data from such preliminary engineering survey is
available, the Commission shall call a meeting of the owners of
property in said district and at said meeting inform them of the
results of the preliminary engineering survey, the probable costs,
etc. If on a vote, a majority of the owners of property in the area
present at said meeting approve of the area becoming a sanitary
district, then the Commission shall call another meeting of the
owners of property in said area; such second meeting not to be
held until at least thirty days after the first meeting, and notice of
each meeting to be given by publication once a week for three con-
secutive weeks in two papers published in Harford County. The
action taken at the first meeting and the data submitted thereat
shall be resubmitted to the second meeting. The owners of property
in the area present at said second meeting shall vote on the question
of whether the area shall be a sanitary district and what utilities
the Commission is authorized to install. The vote of a majority of
owners of property in the area present at said meeting shall con-
stitute final and affirmative approval of the matters thus adopted,
provided that the second meeting shall not have any power to
approve anything not approved by the first meeting, but on the
other hand, may limit, define and restrict any action of the first
meeting. The area described in the petition shall then be and
become a sanitary district for the service or services approved by
both meetings and the Commission shall cause plats of such locality
to be made under the supervision of its chief engineer, showing the
proposed water, sewerage or drainage systems, one copy of which
plat shall be filed in the office of the Commission, one in the office
of the County Commissioners and one in a plat book indexed "Har-
ford County Metropolitan Commission", in the office where the land
records of Harford County are kept; and upon the filing of said
plat and the approval of said locality by the County Commissioners
of said County and the Commission, such sanitary district shown
on said plat shall be, and the same is hereby designated and con-
stituted for the purposes of this sub-title to be a separate sanitary


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 268   View pdf image (33K)
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