beginning of the next succeeding jury term of said court. [And
during the remainder of said jury term of court until the beginning
of the next jury term of said court, the grand and petit juries shall
meet on every ninth week computed from the first day of said jury
term of court unless that day be a legal holiday, in which event
they shall meet the next day for indictments or trials, or either.
Provided, however, such intermediate session or sessions of either
the grand or petit juries or both, may be omitted if the work await-
ing the said grand and/or petit juries is insufficient to justify
assembling both or either in the judgment of the court, for any
particular intermediate session. In that event the court shall so
inform the Clerk of said Court, and said Clerk of said Court shall
notify said jurors by mail at least five days before the day upon
which the next meeting of said juries falls in immediate session,
that the presence and attendance of the said grand or petit juries,
or both, will not be required upon said meeting day. Provided, how-
ever, that the] The Court, or a Judge thereof', shall have power and
authority [at any time between said dates fixed for said interme-
diate sessions] to recall the grand [and/] or petit jurors, or both,
in special session at any time in his discretion within said jury
term, and until the beginning of the next succeeding jury term of
said Court, for indictments or trials, or both, as the case may be.
In counties where the Circuit Court holds non-jury terms, the power
of the Court to require the return of jurors aforesaid and to hold
intermediate sessions or adjourned sessions of the grand and petit
juries, and either of them during said jury term shall exist as
though there was no such non-jury terms of said Court, and the
same had not intervened. [Provided, however, that in St. Mary's,
Charles, Calvert and Prince George's Counties the grand and petit
juries shall not meet in intermediate session on every ninth week
computed as hereinbefore provided and in] In the event [that] the
work in any county awaiting the grand [and/] or petit juries, or
both, is sufficient to justify assembling both or either in the judg-
ment of the Court, the Court shall so inform the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for said County and said Clerk shall notify said jurors by
mail at least five days before the day upon which their attendance
shall be needed in intermediate session.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1955.
Approved March 29,1955.
(Senate Bill 241)
AN ACT to add a new Section 159A to Article 75 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1951 Edition), title "Pleading, Practice and
Process At Law", sub-title "Process", to follow immediately after
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.