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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1306   View pdf image (33K)
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1306                                      VETOES

April 28, 1955
Honorable John C. Luber
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland

Dear Mr. Speaker:

I am returning herewith without my approval House Bill 357,
which attempts to vest the Circuit Court of Washington County with
authority to reduce the sentence of County jail prisoners. I concur
in the conclusion of the Attorney General, supported by numerous
Maryland decisions, that this bill is unconstitutional as an attempt
to impose non-judicial administrative duties on the Judiciary.




House Bill No. 366—Size of Commercial Fish

AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 288 of
Article 66C of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1951 Edition),
title "Natural Resources", sub-title "Sizes of Commercial Fish",
changing the legal size of rock or striped bass, sea trout or weak-
fish and hardheads or croakers AND RELATING TO THE AREA

April 28, 1955

Honorable John C. Luber
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland

Dear Mr. Speaker:

The original purpose of House Bill 366 was to increase the minimum
legal size for rockfish from 11 inches to 12 inches. In the course of its
passsage, amendments were added to this bill which would extend by
about one and one-half miles the area in which rockfish weighing more
than fifteen pounds can legally be caught.

Since the bill as finally passed makes no change in the minimum
size of rockfish, but does effect this harmful extension of area for
taking rockfish above the weight limits, the Tidewater Fisheries Com-
mission has recommended its veto in the interest of sound conserva-
tion. I therefore return House Bill 366 without my approval.



TRMcK :mg


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1306   View pdf image (33K)
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