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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1301   View pdf image (33K)
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THEODORE R. McKELDIN, GOVERNOR                  1301

May 9, 1955

Honorable John C. Luber
Speaker of the House of Delegates
Annapolis, Maryland

Dear Mr. Speaker:

House Bill 232 is identical with a bill passed at the 1951 Session of
the General Assembly, and vetoed by me. This measure would add
to the authorization for a manufacturer's exemption of tools and
machinery, the further proviso that in Anne Arundel County and
the City of Annapolis, laundry machinery shall be classed as used in
the business of manufacturing. Nothing has occurred in the last
four years to change the objections which I had to this bill in 1951.
The existing provisions of this section of the tax laws are state-wide
in application and should not be encumbered with a provision for
one local subdivision. Moreover, it is unnecessary to have this legis-
lation to accomplish the avowed purpose of the bill, since local au-
thorities under existing law can add items to the manufacturer's
exemption, if deemed desirable.

I am, therefore, returning the bill without my approval.

Respectfully yours,



House Bill No. 253—Witnesses Attesting Wills

AN ACT to add a new section to Article 93 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1951 Edition), title "Testamentary Law", sub-title
"Wills", said new section to be known as Section 384A and to
follow immediately after Section 384 thereof, authorizing proof
of wills out of court by attesting witnesses by means of affidavits.

May 9, 1955

Honorable John C. Luber
Speaker of the House of Delegates
Annapolis, Maryland

Dear Mr. Speaker:

House Bill 253 would make a drastic innovation in the law of Wills
in this State. It would permit attesting witnesses to wills, at the
request of the testator, or, after his death, at the request of his
executor or any person interested under it, to make and sign an
affidavit stating such facts as would be required in Orphans' Court
testimony to prove such will. The affidavit is required to be written
on the will or on some paper attached thereto, and is to stand in lieu
of the sworn statement of such witness as if it had been taken before
the Court.

I have consulted with the Chief Judge of the Orphans' Court of
Baltimore City and others concerning the desirablity of this provision.
It seems to be the unanimous opinion of those specializing in this
field that the bill is an unwise departure from established procedure.


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1301   View pdf image (33K)
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