Poundage, in addition to the foregoing costs, shall be charged in
such cases and in such amounts as may now or hereafter be allowed
by law. No fee or charge of any kind shall be made for the swearing
of any witness or for any order of dismissal or order of satisfaction.
Said Court shall have power to fix by rule the fees and costs for all
proceedings in said Court not herein enumerated. The Clerks of said
Court shall not be entitled for his own use or benefit to any of the
aforegoing fees or costs or to any other fees, emoluments, costs, or
remuneration for services performed in connection with the said
Court or any action or proceeding therein, except the salary paid him
by the County Commissioners of Baltimore County. Any person who
shall demand, charge or receive any fee, cost or amount in violation
of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be subject to and pay a fine of not less than $100.00
nor more than $300.00 for each offense.
13. Upon such proof and upon such terms as shall be prescribed by
rule, any Judge of said Court shall have full power to waive the pre-
payment of costs, or fees or the payment of costs or fees accruing
during any action in said Court. When costs are so waived there
shall be noted on the records of said Court uprepayment of costs
waived" or ucosts waived". If any party shall fail to pay accrued
costs though able to do so or shall fail to fulfill the terms upon which
any waiver of costs or prepayment of costs shall have been granted,
any Judge of said Court, so finding shall have power to deny the said
party the right to file any new case in said Court while such costs
remain unpaid and likewise to deny such litigant the right to proceed
further in any case pending in such Court. Any intentional mis-
representation to any Judge of said Court by any person in order to
obtain such waiver shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be
punishable by fine of not more than $50.00.
14. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County shall appoint
a Chief Clerk of the People's Court and not less than one Clerk for
each of the three People's Court Districts, and may also appoint such
additional Clerks and other clerical assistance as they may deem
necessary. The said Chief Clerk shall be paid a salary of Five Thou-
sand Dollars ($5,000.00) per annum, and the People's Court District
Clerks Thirty-Six Hundred Dollars ($3600.00) per annum, or such
additional salaries as the County Commissioners may determine.
15. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County shall appoint
at least one Constable for each of the respective People's Court Dis-
tricts and such additional Constables as they may deem necessary.
Said Constables shall be paid such salaries as the County Commis-
sioners may determine.
16. The County Commissioners shall provide and furnish in each
People's Court District such court rooms as they deem necessary
with suitable quarters for the respective District Clerk's offices. They
shall supply furniture, filing cabinets, and other equipment and pro-
vide for the safeguarding of the records and papers of said Court.
17. The Chief Judge shall make the assignments of the Judges of
the People's Court provided that sessions shall be held in each Dis-
trict on at least two days each week.