Volume 620, Page 1141 View pdf image (33K) |
THEODORE R. McKELDIN, GOVERNOR 1141 by him paid over to the County Commisioners of Baltimore County. (b) In default of the payment of any fine imposed under the pre- (c) An appeal from any action or order of a Judge of the People's 12. Subject to the provisions of Section 13, before any of the for filing, and trial costs (and copy of judgment) in actions ex-contractu and exdelicto ........................................ $2.00 for summoning each additional defendant ............................ 1.00 for re-issue.................................................................................... 1.00 for summoning each witness .................................................... 0.50 for (extra) copy of unrecorded judgment .............................25 for issuing writ of fi. fa............................................................. 2.00 for issuing writ of fi. fa. on condemnation, initial costs .... 2.00 for issuing writ of sci. fa., trial and judgment.................... 2.00 for issuing writ of venditioni-exponas.................................... 1.00 for issuing writ of supersedeas................................................ 1.00 for confessed judgment ............................................................ 2.00 for writ of attachment, trial and judgment............................ 3.00 for writ of attachment (each additional garnishee) ............ 2.00 for attachment on execution (issue).................................... 2.00 for each additional defendant .................................................. 2.00 for attachment for contempt.................................................... 1.00 for replevin or other bond........................................................ 1.00 for replevins—other costs........................................................ 3.00 for writ of retorno habendo...................................................... 3.00 for institution and trial of SUMMARY ejectment proceedings and copy of judgment........................................ 1.25 for put-out.................................................................................... 1.25 for distraints................................................................................ 1.60 for writ of capias in withernam, initial costs........................ 3.00 for writ against tenant holding over, trial and copy of judgment .................................................................... 3.00 for writ of forcible entry and detainer, trial and copy of judgment ..................................................................., 3.00 for issuing notice to quit............................................................ 1.00 for taking appeal........................................................................ 1.00
Volume 620, Page 1141 View pdf image (33K) |
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