No. 10
(Senate Joint Resolution 20)
Senate Joint Resolution re-affirming the support of the General
Assembly of Maryland for World Brotherhood Week.
The members of the General Assembly of Maryland wish to add
their hearty endorsement to the observance of World Brotherhood
For about a quarter of a century the American people have cele-
brated this notable event. It is dedicated to an improvement in the
religious and racial understanding of the American people and
during the quarter of a century has filled a great need among our
Brotherhood Week has seen a revival in the standards of humanity
and of dignity in America. It has brought our people back to their
churches and has been a healthy and wholesome influence on the
citizens of America. Brotherhood Week has helped us to be good
friends and neighbors and has taught the great lessons and ideals
of equality and equal opportunity.
In these days when the development of the natural sciences is so
greatly outstripping that of the social sciences, it may be more
essential even than a quarter of a century ago for men and women
of good will of all nations to join together for peace based upon
In re-affirming their belief in the principles of Brotherhood Week,
the members of the General Assembly of Maryland would propose to
all peoples everywhere this simple and effective prayer:
"Father, may we be ever mindful that it is in loving our fellowman
that we truly love Thee."
We commend the great undying principles of this prayer and of
Brotherhood Week to all our people; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That this Body
sincerely re-affirms its deep and abiding belief in the principles and
ideals of Brotherhood Week with the fervent hope that in so doing
we will encourage, promote and inculcate in our people the great
humanitarian truths of this anniversary.
Approved March 13, 1958.
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.