The Comptroller shall immediately, upon the sale of and payment
for said certificates, first, return to and credit the Treasury for a
sum equivalent to the amount expended as provided for in Section 4
of this Act; the remainder of the proceeds of said loan shall be
credited on the books of the State Treasury Department, to be ex-
pended as needed by the State, upon approval by the Board of Public
Works for the following needs, purposes and projects, and amounts
listed below being intended to include Architects' and Engineers' fees
where applicable:
Board of Public Works:
To supplement the appropriation "Jail Im-
provement Fund to be expended in accord-
ance with the provisions of Section 798
of Article 27 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1951 Edition)," as shown on
page 1810 of the Acts of 1953; Section 7
of Chapter 780 of the Acts of 1953 being
hereby repealed to the extent that work
covered by this Fund, as to any portion of
the Fund subsequently earmarked for new
facilities in Baltimore County, may begin
upon satisfactory assurances to the Board
of Public Works that said work can be com-
pleted with the aggregate of the funds
herein and heretofore appropriated, and
earmarked for that purpose.......................... $85,000
Purchase of Land for Harpers Ferry
National Monument ...................................... 25,000
Acquisition of Old Toll House on Route
No. 40, West of Cumberland........................ 10,000
Acquisition of land at Old Stone Arch
Bridge over the Castleman River................ 3,000
Total—Board of Public Works.................................... 123,000
Department of Motor Vehicles:
Planning and preparation of design, plans and
specifications for new headquarters build-
ing ..................................................................... 30,000
For the purchase of not more than twelve (12)
acres of land as site for new headquarters,
including off-street driving test course and
parking areas.................................................. 120,000
Total—Department of Motor Vehicles........................ 150,000
Military Department:
[Contingent upon and supplementary to
federal funds being made available to the
Military Department for the construction
of an Armory to be located in the Dundalk-
Essex area....................................................... 200,0003