best of their judgments and understanding; and the
said justice shall duly certify the taking of such oath
or affirmation, and endorse his certificate on the said
warrant, or annex it to the same.
New Com-
missioners au-
thorised to
proceed in the
execution of
the original
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners so appointed and qualified, shall be authorised
and empowered, and are hereby directed to proceed
in the execution and completion of the said original
commission, and to make a true and full return of
their proceedings, according to the tenor and com-
mand of the said warrant; and the acts and proceed-
ings of the said commissioners, or the major part of
them, under and by virtue of the said warrant, shall
have the like effect and be of the same avail in law as
if such persons had been named and appointed in and
by the said original commision.
A majority of
the commissi-
ons qualifying
they may pro-
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever a
majority of commissioners appointed under the act
to which this is a supplement shall qualify, they may
proceed in the execution of the same, in the same
manner as they may do when the whole commission-
ers qualify as directed by the original act
Passed Dec.
15, 1812.
An act authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money
for the purpose of building a Carpenter's Hall, in
the city of Baltimore.
A Scheme
may be propo-
sed — mana-
gers shall give
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be law-
ful for William Camp, Joseph Jamison, James Mar-
tin, Richard Norris, John M'Cain, Leonard Puder,
James Heyden, Peter Mason, James Moroton, Jo-
seph A. Walter, John Daugherty, Junr. James Nor-
ris and Joshua Fort, or a majority of them, to prepare
a scheme or schemes of a lottery or lotteries, to raise
a sum of money not exceeding fifteen thousand dol-
lars, clear of all expenses incurred in drawing the
said lottery, and to sell and dispose of the tickets
thereof, and to draw the same: Provided, That the
said William Camp, Joseph Jamison, James Martin,
Richard Norris, John M'Cain, Leonard Puder, James
Heydend, Peter Mason, James Moroton, Joseph A.
Walter, John Daugherty, Junr. James Norris and
Joshua Fort, or a majority of them, who undertake
to act under this law, before the sale or disposal of
any ticket or tickets in said lottery, give their bond
to the State of Maryland, in the penalty of thirty
thousand dollars, conditioned that they will well and