proceed to assess and value the damages accordingly,
taking into consideration the advantages and disad-
vantages, (if any; ) and such inquisition or valuation
shall be final and conclusive; but should the jury
award a smaller sum for damages than the commissi-
oners had previously done, then and in that case the
person or persons at whose instance it was held, shall
pay all the legal costs and charges of said inquisition;
but if on the contrary they should award a larger
sum, then the costs of such inquisition shall be paid
by the county: Provided, That the said commission-
ers or a majority of them, shall not be bound to lay
out the road aforesaid, from New-Town to Buckey's-
Town, on the route as now located, provided a better
or nearer way may be discovered, and which may
be offered to said commissioners, for the use of said
road by the person or persons whose land it may
pass through, without any charge to the county; but
in such case the commissioners as aforesaid, may de-
part from such location.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners before they shall proceed to act, shall
take an oath before some justice of the peace, of the
same tenor and effect as is heretofore directed to be
taken by the jurors.
oners shall
take an oath.
no person or persons through whose land the said
road shall pass, and who have agreed or signed the
petition for the same, shall be entitled to any dama-
ges by this act.
Damages —
who shall not
be entitled.
A Supplement to the Act entitled, An act to
authorise the Levy Court of Washington coun-
ty, to appoint commissioners to alter, straighten,
open and amend a road I herein mentioned.
Passed Nov.
9, 1812.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the width of the road as directed to
be opened by the act to which this is a supplement,
passed at November session, eighteen hundred and
eleven, shall be fifty feet in width, instead of thirty,
as directed by the original act, to which this is a sup-
Its width