ceeding thirty feet in width, from New-Town to
Buckey's-Town, leaving the present public road
leading towards Michael Late's smith-shop, oppo-
site the widow Thomas' grave-yard, then by Joseph
Smith's and Harget's to Buckey's-Town, then from
Buckey's-Town or from the nearest point of the afore-
said new road, by the merchant's mill now building
on the river Monocassy, by Ignatius Davis and Da-
vis Richardson's, on the most direct and convenient
route, to intersect the road aforesaid, at or near Wil-
liam Atkins', so as to do as little injury as possible
to the lands through which it may pass: Provided,
That the said road shall not pass through any houses,
gardens, orchards or meadows, without the consent
of the owners thereof; and that the said road when so
laid out and completed, shall be recorded among the
land records of the said county, and be thereafter
deemed and taken to be a public road, and shall be
kept in repair as other roads in the said county are
directed to be.
Valuation of
damages — to
be assessed on
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall value
the county.
and ascertain the damages that may be sustained by
any person or persons through whose land the said
road may pass by opening of the same; and the da-
mages so ascertained, or in the event of their being
ascertained by a jury, shall be levied and assessed as
other county charges are, and shall be paid over to
the person or persons entitled to the same.
Persons ag-
grieved — a ju-
ry to be sum-
moned, &c. —
their duty —
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person
or persons through whose land the said road may
pass, or his or their guardian or trustee, conceive
himself, herself or themselves aggrieved by such valu-
cost to be paid
by the county.
ation or assessment of damages by said commission-
ers, it shall and may be lawful for a justice of the
peace of the said county, on his or their application,
to issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed
to the constable of the hundred, commanding him to
summon twelve disinterested men qualified by law to
serve as jurors in the county court, to meet upon the
premises upon a certain day, of which ten days no-
tice shall be given to the party or parties interested;
and that the said jurors when so met, and having
each first taken an oath before some justice of the
peace, that he will without favor or affection, preju-
dice or partiality, assess the damages sustained by the
person or persons at whose request such inquisition
shall be taken, by reason of opening the aforesaid
road, through his, her or their lands, shall thereupon