more county, they shall, proceed to value the same,
taking into their consideration the advantages and
disadvantages, (if any; ) and the damages when so
ascertained, shall be paid as directed under the act to
which this is a supplement
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the com-
missioners herein before named, shall not allow to
the said Elijah Bosley and Sarah Carroll, further
damages than have been already adjudged to them
by the commissioners under the act to which this is
a supplement, then and in that case the said Elijah
Bosley and Sarah Carroll shall pay all costs and
charges arising under the commission by this act
Costs — by
whom to be
An act to make valid the proceedings of the Levy
Court of Somerset county, relative to the sale of
certain lots of ground.
Passed Dec.,
9, 1812.
WHEREAS, The levy court of Somerset county
were, by an act of Assembly passed at November
session eighteen hundred and eleven, authorised to
dispose of the ware house lots in said county, on or
before the 1st day of June eighteen hundred & twelve,
and to execute a deed or deeds to the purchaser or
purchasers: And whereas, The said levy court proceed-
ed to make sale of all the ware-house lots in said
county, except the lot of ground in Princess Anne
Town, adjoining the court-house, at some time after
the said first day of June eighteen hundred and
twelve: Therefore.,
SEC 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the sales of the ware-house
lots in Somerset county, and all other acts and deeds
relative thereto made or done by the levy court of
said county, be, and they are hereby confirmed and
made as good and valid to all intents and purposes,
as if they had been made pursuant to the directions
of the act entitled, An act to dispose of certain lots
therein specified in Somerset county.
Acts of levy
court confirm-
AND WHEREAS, The levy court of Somerset
county did contract with, and purchase of a certain
John Maddox, half an acre of land on Maddox's Is-
land, and did build a ware house thereon, which
was sold by the levy court under the said act of As-
sembly, and purchased by a certain Littleton D.
Maddox, and the said John Maddox having died
Sec. 2.