at Hager's Town [see page image for text] for eighty
thousand dollars, under [see page image for text]
Heyser, Upton Lawrence, [see page image for text]
Kealhoffer, William Fitzhugh, David [see page image for text]
tin Reidenour and Henry Lewis, in [see page image for text]
ner and: with the same powers as the commissioners
in the original act are authorised and empowered to
This law not
being carried
into effect in 5
years, the right
shall revert to
the counties.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That, if the said
company shall not proceed to carry on the said work
within five years from the passage of this act,
then the right of said company to such road, to re-
vert to the counties respectively.
Passed Dec.
7, 1812.
An act to lay out, open and amend a road in Cecil
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General
Assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of
Elk Neck in Cecil county, that they are subjected to
great inconvenience from the badness of the road
from Turkey Point to the Meeting-house in said
neck: Therefore,
ers—they may
open said road
at the expense
of the county
— its direction.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Samuel Aldridge, Alex-
ander Wilson and Benjamin. Mauldin be, and they
are hereby appointed commissioners, and they or a
majority of them are hereby authorised as commis-
sioners, to lay out, open and amend at the expence
of said county, a road from Turkey Point to the
Methodist Meeting-house in Elk Neck, so as to do
as, little injury as possible to the lands through. which
it may pass: Provided, That the said road shall not
pass through any houses, gardens, orchards or mea-
dows, without the consent of the owners thereof;
and that the said road when so laid out and complet-
ed, shall be recorded among the land records of said
county, and be thereafter deemed and taken as a
public road, and shall be kept in repair as other
roads in said county are directed to be.
Damages —
ers shall as-
certain — to be
levied on the
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall value
and ascertain the damages that may be sustained by
any person or persons through whose lands the said
road may pass, by opening of the same, and the
damages so ascertained shall be levied and assed as
other county charges are, and shall be paid over to
the person or persons entitled to the same.