An act to revive an act entitled, An act to incorpo-
rate a company to make a turnpike road from the
town of Westminster in Frederick county, through
Harman's' Gap, to Hagers-Town, in Washington
Passed Dec.
5, 1812.
SEC 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That An act passed at November
session eighteen hundred and ten, entitled, An act
to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road
from the town of Westminster in Frederick county,
through Harman's Gap to Hager's-Town in Washing-
ton county, be, and the same is hereby revived and
continued in force, during the term and upon the condi-
tions hereinafter specified, and all the rights, powers &
priviledges given, granted or conferred by the same
be, and they are hereby renewed and revived, in
their full force and original extent, excepting only
such as may be altered or otherwise provided for
by this act.
Said act re-
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription
books be opened on the first Monday In March next,
for the capital stock as originally authorised by the
before referred to act, hereby revived in the manner,
upon the terms and under the regulations and res-
trictions as by the said act may be required and di-
rected, at the following places and under the direc-
tion of the following persons: At the city of Balti-
more, for ninety thousand dollars, under the direc-
tion of Emanuel Kent, Keziah Clagett, Cornelius H.
Gest, Ebenezer Findley and William Hays; at
Westminster in Frederick county, for twenty thou-
sand dollars, under the direction, of Isaac Shriver,
David Fisher, John Wompler, James M'Haffie and
Jacob Shermen; at Union-Town in Frederick coun-
ty, for twenty thousand dollars, under the direction
of David Kephart, Thomas Boyer, Peter Bennedom,
John Kurts and Jonas Crumbaker; at Millersburgh
in Frederick county, for twenty thousand dollars,
under the direction of Joshua Delaplane, John
Scott, Benjamin Biggs, John Valentine and Freder-
ick Eichelberger; at Mechanic's-Town in Frederick
county, for twenty thousand dollars, under the di-
rection of James Johnson, Jacob Weller, John Crea-
ger, Junr. Christian Harman and Anthony Miller;
books to be
opened —
when — where
— under the
direction of