Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
John Bolton.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
Wm. B. Bar-
ney, Esq.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
James Brown,
John Graham
and others.
No. 66.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Eastern Shore be, and he is
hereby directed to pay annually, unto John Bolton, or his order, in
quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private
in the late revolutionary war.
No. 67.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby directed to pay William B. Barney, Esquire, or order, the sum
of twenty four Dollars, out of any unappropriated money in the trea-
sury, for six days attendance as a member of the house of delegates,
omitted on the journal of accounts.
No. 68.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby directed to pay to James Brown and John Graham, Esquires, or
order, four days allowance, in addition to their present allowance on
the journal of accounts: And also two days to each of the other at-
tending members of the legislature, and their officers.
No. 69.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
Jehu Chan-
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed to pay to Jehu Chandler, for printing
the laws and votes and proceedings of June session, 1812, the sum of
one hundred and fifty dollars.
No. 70.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
relative to Bal-
timore mobs.
RESOLVED, That the executive be requested to have printed, on the
most reasonable terms, all the testimony taken before the committee of
grievances and courts of justice relative to the late mobs and riots in
the city of Baltimore, and cause one copy to be forwarded to each
member of the general assembly; and they are hereby authorised to
draw an order on the treasury of the Western shore, for the amount of
the expence of said printing.
No. 71.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
Jehu Chan-
RESOLVED, That the governor and council in the recess of the gene-
ral assembly be, and they are hereby authorised to adjust the claim of
Jehu Chandler, and allow him such sum as they may injustice believe
him entitled to, for any services he way have performed or expenses in-
curred, beyond the ordinary services which had been performed and ex-
pense incurred by his predecessor— and to draw on the treasurer of
the Western Shore for such sum as they shall award to the said
Jehu Chandler,