No. 39.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay annually
to John Hill, during his life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money
equal to the half pay of a private.
No. 40.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorized to pay to John Reid, of Allegany county, or to his
order, the sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars annually, dur-
ing his life, in quarterly payments, out of any unappropriated money
in the treasury, as a further remuneration for the services rendered his
country during the revolutionary war.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
John Hill.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
John Reid.
No. 41.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Joshua
Rutledge, of Harford county, late a lieutenant in the Maryland line, or
to his order, a sum of money in quarter-yearly payments, equal to the
half pay of a lieutenant, as a further remuneration for those services
rendered his country during the revolutionary war.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
No. 42.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed, to pay unto Solomon Harris, of Dor-
chester county, or to his order annually, in quarterly payments, during
life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a provision,
for him in his indigent situation, and as a further remuneration to him
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
Solomon Har-
for those services rendered his country during the revolutionary war.
No. 43.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he
is hereby authorized and directed, to pay to Thomas Clinton, annually
during his life, or to his order, in quarterly payments, a sum of mo-
ney equal to the half pay of a fife-major, as a further remuneration for
those services rendered his country during the American war.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
Thomas, Clin-
No. 44.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he
is hereby directed to pay annually, in quarterly payments, to Thomas
Cahoe, of Charles county, late a private in the revolutionary war, a
sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a provision to him
in his indigent situation and advanced life, and as a remuneration for
his meritorious services.
No. 45.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
Thos. Cahoe,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby directed to pay unto Thomas Elliott, an old revolutionary sol-
dier, or his order annually, in quarterly payments, a sum of money
equal to the half pay of a private during the remainder of his life, as a
further remuneration for his services,
No. 46.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
la favor of
Thos. Elliott
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorized and required to pay to Archibald Johnson, of
Charles county, a serjeant in the revolutionary war, or to his order, a
sum of money annually in quarterly payments, equal to the half pay of
a serjeant, as a farther remuneration for his services in the revolutionary
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
Arch. John-
No. 47.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorized and directed, to pay unto Elijah Langford, of So-
merset county, a revolutionary soldier, in quarterly payments, a sum
of money equal to the half pay of a private, during the remainder of
his life, as a remuneration for his meritorious services.
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
In favor of
Elijah Lang-