LAWS OF MARYLAND, Nov. Sess. 1812.
Passed Dec.
31, 1812.
An act to establish a Bank in the city of Baltimore,
to be called "The City Bank of Baltimore. "
WHEREAS, Sundry "inhabitants of the city of
Baltimore, in behalf of themselves and other of their
fellow citizens, have petitioned this General Assem-
bly, setting forth that they are desirous of establish-
ing a Bank in the city of Baltimore, under the name
and style of the President Directors and Company
of the City Bank of Baltimore, and praying that an
act may be passed to incorporate the same: And,
whereas, The agricultural, commercial, and manu-
facturing interests of this State may. be greatly pro-
moted by such an institution: Therefore,
Amount of
capital — num-
ber of shares
— books to be
opened at Bal-
timore — under
whose super-
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That a Bank shall be estab-
lished in the city of Baltimore, the original capital
stock whereof shall be one million five hundred thou-
sand dollars, and shall be divided into sixty thousand
shares of twenty five dollars each, and that subscrip-
tions towards constituting the said stock, shall on
the first Monday of March next, be opened at the
city of Baltimore, for the city and county of Balti-
more, for thirty-four thousand four hundred shares,
under the superintendance of Robert Patterson,
Charles Gwinn, John Hoffman, Henry Didier, Junr.
Samuel Rollings worth, William Pinkney, George J.
Brown, Samuel G. Griffith, Levin Wethered, Robert
Barry, William H. Dorsey, James Barroll, Richard
Frisby, John M'Kim, Junr. Thomas Ellicott, Govert
Haskins, John Donnell, James Sterrett, Peter A.
Kaithause and Samuel Chase.
Shares reserv-
ed for the citi-
zens of the
different coun-
ties, and for
the estate.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That twenty one
thousand and six hundred shares of the said stock be
reserved for the use of the citizens of the several
counties of this State, to wit: Harford county,
twelve hundred shares, under the superintendance of
Messrs. John Moores, Henry Dorsey and John San-
ders; Cecil county, for twelve hundred shares, under
the superintendance of Messrs. Lambert Beard,
Samuel Hayes and James Janney; Kent county, for
twelve hundred shares, under the superintendance of
Messrs. Thomas Worrell, William Barroll and
Benjamin Chambers; Talbot county, for twelve
hundred shares, under the superintendance of Messrs.
John Goldsborough, John Meredith and James Ring-
gold; Queen Ann's county, for twelve hundred
shares, under the superintendance of Messrs. Wil-
liam Chambers, James Brown and Richard T. Earle;