form of government directs, in such case the act and
the alterations herein contained shall constitute and
be considered as part of said constitution and form of
government, to all intents and purposes, any thing
therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding,
An act to repeal so much of the laws of this State,
as requires property qualification in jurors.
Passed Dec.
30, 1812.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That so much of the laws of this State, as
requires a property qualification of fifty acres of land
in his county, or property in this State, above the va-
lue of three hundred pounds current money, in per-
sons summoned as jurors, be, and the same is hereby
Laws requiring
property qual-
ifications in
jurors repeal-
An act to authorise William Courts, of Charles
county, to remove and bring into this State, certain
Passed Dec.
31, 1812.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said William Courts be, and he
is hereby authorised and empowered, at any time
within twelve months after the passing of this act, to
remove and bring into this State, all or any of the
negro slaves, which in the course of distribution of
the estate of Hannah Hipkins, he and John Camp-
Slaves may be
brought into
this State
within one
bell may become entitled to: Provided, That the
said William Courts shall procure from the register
of wills of the county from which the said slaves are
brought, a list of said slaves, containing their names,
sexes and ages; and a certificate under seal of office,
that the slaves contained in said list, in the distribu-
tion of the estate of Hannah Hipkins, of Westmore-
land county, Virginia, became the property of the
said William Courts, and the said John Campbell;
and that he shall deliver the said list and certificate
to the clerk of Charles county, within three months
after the said slaves are brought into the said county,
to be recorded at the expense of him the said Courts:
And provided also, That the said Courts shall not
sell or dispose of the said slaves or any of them, un-
till they shall have been residents for three years
within the State, except in cases of disposition by
last will and testament, and disposition by law for
bona fide debts.