the proprietors of the said branch or swamp if the
same could be effectually drained; and as it cannot
be well accomplished without the aid of the legisla-
ture, by passing an act to secure the joint exertions
of ail the said proprietors; And whereas, It appears
to this General Assembly, that it will be of. public
utility to extend the aid of the Legislature in order
to accomplish so good an object: Therefore,
Directors to be
elected — how
— when —
where — whom
— a drain may
be opened.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be law-
ful for the proprietors of the land, on the Betree
Swamp, extending from the main road leading from
Greensborough to Keen's Cross Roads, at and near
Thomas Clendening's, down the said swamp until
it intersects the great ditch or main branch of Tuck-
ahoe Creek, to meet in each and every year hereaf-
ter at Thomas Clendening's, or at any other place
which a majority of the proprietors shall appoint in
Caroline county, and for such proprietors or a majo-
rity of those who shall attend at the said meeting,
then and there annually to elect by ballot, five of the
said proprietors for directors; who, when so elected
and chosen, are hereby authorised and empowered
or any three of them, to make and open a drain or
ditch down said branch from the main road near
Thomas Clendening's till it intersects the main,
branch of Tuckahoe Creek aforesaid, in such direc-
tion and of such width and depth as they or a majori-
ty of them may judge most proper, not exceeding
eight feet wide, to carry off the water from the said
branch or swamp, and" reduce the same to dry land;
and the power and authority of the said directors so
to be chosen, shall continue and be in force until the
next annual election of directors.
Costs shall be
paid by the
respective pro-
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the costs,
• charges and expences of cutting and opening the
said ditch or drain, shall be paid by the respective
proprietors of the same, each paying for the cutting
and opening the said drain or ditch through his or
her land, except where it shall so happen that two
or more of the said proprietors hold parts of the said
branch through which the said ditch or drain shall be
made, adjoining each other, part on one side thereof,
and part on the other, in which case each shall pay
in proportion to the part, he or she shall or may hold.
Repairing and
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said di-
rectors or any three of them, shall have full power
and authority, at any time thereafter, to cut, open and