William Price, and by a certain Philemon Thomas
to the aforesaid James Finley and William Price
ruling elders of the said congregation, in trust, for
the benefit of the said Presbyterian congregation;
and by reason of the deaths of the said James Fin-
ley and William Price ruling elders, doubts have
arisen as to the validity of the title to the said pro-
perty: Therefore,,
BE IT ENACTED -by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the aforesaid lands, tenements and
hereditaments which have heretofore been conveyed
by the aforesaid Thomas Duckery to James Finley
and William Price, and by a certain Philemon Tho-
mas to the said James Finley and William Price rul-
ing elders as aforesaid, in trust, for the benefit and
use of the said congregation of Queen Ann's and
Caroline counties, be, and the same. is vested in the
present trustees of the said congregation, and the
successors of the said trustees appointed according
to the rules and ordinances of the said congregation.
Said lands &c.
vested in the
present trus-
An act for the benefit of Moses Grier, of Worces-
ter county.
Passed Dec.
28, 1812.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Worcester county, are hereby authorised and em-
powered, and they shall at their next levy court, and
at their levy court annually, so long as/they shall see
cause, to levy on the assessable property of said
county a sum of money not exceeding thirty dollars,
for the support and maintenance of Moses Grier of
said county, and the same shall be collected and paid
over to the said Moses Grier or his order, in the same
manner as other county charges are collected and paid
in said county.
A sum may be
levied for his
An act for draining a branch or swamp called Be-
tree Swamp, lying in Caroline county.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General
Assembly, by the petition of Samuel Harper, Wil-
liam Norris, Richard Keene and others, that they
are possessed or part of a valuable branch or swamp
called Betree Swamp, lying in Caroline county, and
as there is good foundation to believe that very great
advantages might be derived, as well to the public as